3 Natural Ways to Cope With Back-to-School Stress

3 Natural Ways to Cope With Back-to-School Stress

Let’s be real. The back-to-school season is one of the most stressful times of the year, for everyone involved. Whether you’re a parent prepping your kids for the excitement (or dread) of the year ahead, a teacher organizing your classroom and lesson plans, or a college student gearing up for all-nighters and long finals, the prospect of starting another year can be brutal on your mind and mood. And as if you needed another reason to add to the list of back-to-school stressors, we’re still in the middle of a global pandemic.

Fortunately, there are easy, natural ways to cope with that pressure. But before diving into those, let’s first consider the root of the stress and how your body handles it. 

Stress and What It Can Do to Your Body

There are many factors that can cause the ‘back-to-school stress’ you’re feeling, but it’s important to remember you’re not alone. Parents and teachers alike are feeling the stress of school supply shopping, establishing a consistent routine, and attempting to stay organized through this hectic season, while also worrying about keeping everyone safe from COVID as kids return to school.

The stress responses to these worries can present themselves in numerous ways. Often, these include seemingly casual issues like fatigue, trouble sleeping, and headaches. But pay attention if you’re experiencing symptoms like these. They aren’t necessarily issues to be casual about. 

Stress can cause inflammation in your body, leaving you vulnerable to more serious diseases or chronic illnesses, so experiencing insomnia or headaches more frequently than usual is something you should take note of.

The good news is, there are ways to limit stress responses in the body and handle anxieties before they have a chance to do any lasting damage. 

3 Ways to Deal with Back-to-School Stress

Create a Routine, Even If It’s Basic

The best way to deal with stress is prevention, not damage control. Last-minute decisions often cause panic mode to come out in full force. Establishing a routine is a great way to ward off anxiety before it can find a way to affect you. Easier said than done, of course, but consider these simple ideas to help set a routine:

1. Ask your family what they want in their routine. Maybe the kids want 30 minutes of reading a day or scheduled outside time.
2. Prep your coffee pot the night before. Seriously—a game-changer.
3. Schedule time for exercise, even if it’s minimal. (Writing down “30 calf raises" will make you more likely to do it!)
4. Make tomorrow’s to-do list tonight so you know what tomorrow brings.

Achieve Natural Relief

When looking for ways to reduce the feelings of stress and anxiety, natural, functional ingredients have gained much popularity in recent years, and for good reason. These herbs, roots, spices [and more] have been used for centuries to promote health and wellness in humans and animals alike.  

Green tea, for example, has the ability to increase serotonin levels, while Omega-3 fatty acids throw a double punch of being an anti-inflammatory and anxiety reducer.

One of our favorites is lemon balm, which has become well known as a natural mood booster - something we can all use a bit more of these days! This sweet smelling leaf is synonymous with immortality and is well-known for its power to bring calm and balance to the body. 

Curious how you can quickly infuse this kitchen herb into your daily diet? In many regions of the world, it’s commonly prescribed and consumed as a medicinal tea. Our HOLISTIK stress STIK takes that to an all-new-level by offering 10mg of water-soluble, broad spectrum CBD, mixed with relaxing lemon balm, in a pre-portioned beverage Stir STIK. Just pop, pour and stir into any beverage for a fast acting approach that’s also easy on your stomach! 

Prioritize Your Sleep

Most crucial to your mental health is a good night’s sleep. When your alarm is going off way earlier than you would like and you have to get the kids up, you want to be as rested as possible—coffee only goes so far.

But a good night’s sleep can be hard to achieve when you’ve got a million stressful thoughts running through your head. Prescription and OTC sleep aids are always an option, but they can leave you groggy in the morning and have been proven to take a toll on the body, putting your health at risk.

Instead, consider a natural sleep aid like CBD. It has been shown to decrease sleep interruptions while increasing total sleep time, and is also non-addictive. Our HOLISTIK sleep STIK combines 10mg of CBD Wellness with the calming effects of chamomile and the ultimate sleep aid, melatonin, for a relaxing night of sleep that’ll always leave you feeling refreshed in the morning.

The stress of back-to-school can be difficult to manage. But just remember you're not alone and it's okay to feel this way. You deserve some empathy after all we've collectively been through this past year and a half. Be kinder to yourself and try natural stress management techniques like staying hydrated or exercising when things get tough! You only have a few years with your children before they grow up - make every day count!

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